Cut Content

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Stuff that was or still is in the game but for whatever reason went unused in the current game.


Drash, being the oldest surviving playable character, has quite a number of leftovers from a very different time.


An animation of Drash performing a rather inefficient dodge. Based on old development footage this would've been used alongside the scrapped stamina system, where if you ran out of stamina and dodged you would perform a tired dodge and tumble when you land.

Drash DodgeTired.gif


In the files is still evidence of abilities, an old concept that was scrapped, and Drash has two abilities associated with her.


An animation and icon is associated with an ability that would've been used for Drash simply titled Blast. Based on old development footage it would've been an ability where you throw an explosive ball of antivoid energy.

Drash Blast.gif


Several animations, even more sounds and an icon for an ability called Lifesteal that would've been used for Drash. Based on old development footage it was a scrapped ability where you steal the life of an enemy, what exactly that would entail I don't know.

Drash Lifesteal.gif

Lifesteal Impact:


Lifesteal Spawn:

Selector Timeout:

Selector Loop:




Unused sounds for presumably when Drash would stomp someone, though the voice is noticeably different from her current voice which leads me to believe that it's an older voice for her when she would dodge.


Drash has sound files that imply it would've been used for her unused stun animation, with her voice being similar to last one.


Rambone was an old playable character that was later scrapped. They were present in old footage of the game, having their own ability. While they are no longer in the game, sprites and animations of their ability is still in the games files.

This is the part where I show said animations or something but I haven't got that yet so wait for that


Robbit is a scrapped playable character found within the files of the game. There's an entire sprite sheet and sound effects in the files dedicated to Robbit, implying that they were either scrapped late in development or that they may be added later. Their color scheme could also imply that they're related to Weptek in some way. The exact reason for Robbit being scrapped is unknown.




Call Center Boy

A character with a very similar backstory to Drash, though likely not meant to be a legitimate addition to the game. Here's a Twitch clip of him.

Green Stickman

As far as I know this is all we have regarding Green Stickman



Several characters have animations of them stunned, it is unknown exactly what this would've been used for. Considering the characters that were given stun animations consists of the first four playable characters and four Porko Land enemies, it was likely scrapped early in development.

Emeraldon Baby Echino

Turns out these guys have some leftover animations of them flying and divebombing which is interesting to think they were gonna do that like an Echino when the Emeraldon Echino doesn't fly.

Skeleton King

Skeleton King was a boss that was in the game at one point early on but was scrapped. Here's footage of the fight.

Skeleton King.png

There actually still are many of their animations still in the game's files.

Big Hand



Emerald Queen

Grid Emerald

Gun Hand


Scepter Hand

Small Emerald


Blooming Echino

Blooming Echino was a boss that acted as a variant as the Echino. It was identical to the Echino, except it left large pools of fire at it's feet when using most of it's attacks and had a different standing bullet attack that shot bullets in a ring instead of in a spiral. Blooming Echino was cut in order to desaturate the Porko Land boss pool since it was so similar to Echino. If you're clamoring for gifs of this guy then I ask you to imagine the Echino but red.

Blooming Echino.png

A rare mutation of the abominable Echino. Special glands within produce superheated energy that keeps it in a perpetual state of being on fire. A fierce opponent to be sure.

Rupert Grimsby

Beacon Breaking

These sounds are presumed to play sometimes after removing the corruption from a beacon.

A foul entity clinging to the land, banished by the very light it was lacking

Not gone, no. Hunting...

For something new to hold on to

You clearly see that the Void does not approve

Yet you carry on like a fool...

She's not gone, you know

She is finding a fool slayer

Entering The Void

This cut Rupert Grimsby quote would be one of the quotes you would hear when you reach The Void





Okay so there are sprites in the game that depict what appears to be an ancient cat temple with props and some kind of vine background. It's speculated to have been associated with an unimplemented character, but besides that it's unknown exactly what this would've been.

Sprite6885 0.png Sprite6885 1.png Sprite6885 2.png


There are several icons in the game regarding worlds ranging from the Tutorial Realm all the way to the Void. Curiously, there is an icon for Jhase's Shop despite that not being a world.


Unused Weapons

These are weapons that are in the game, but can't be obtained via "normal manners" (without using commands and such).

Icon Name Rarity Description Notes
Buccaneer.png Buccaneer (Old)
The pirate realm produced these slow shooting pistols in bulk. Now they litter the world. Considering this is now in the game but a bit updated, should we keep this part? idk probably not

Max Ammo: 50 Clip Size: 1

Has one ammo in it's clip and has to charge before firing and when it does it fires a clump of piercing, fast-moving bullets. Appears to lack a firing sound. Doesn't seem related to the Keglers.

Dispensword.png Dispensword
This ancient automatic sword was used in combat, crowd control & gardening. Max Ammo: 90

Clip Size: 8

Swings the blade, doing no damage with it, and fires a rocket blade that explodes on impact and pierces enemies if the hit kills them. Has a reload animation that is far longer than its actual reload.

Longbow.png Longbow
Bring back the lost art of archery. Max Ammo: 40

Clip Size: 3

Fires a piercing arrow, requiring a charged reload afterwards.

Laserblade.png Laserblade
Time to save the universe! No. of Swings: 3

Seems to be a reference to Star Wars and it's lightsabers. Has a unique sound when pulling it out. Blocking with the Laserblade spins it rapidly around you similar to the Bostaff, but with the center of rotation at your character instead of in front of them. When it runs out of durability, the blade deactivates, leaving only the handle.

Cut Weapons

These are weapons that are in the game, but go unused.

Icon Name Notes
Frostbite.png frostbite Kinda looks like a snowball launcher, if anything would've applied a freezing effect. Other than that it's unknown.


Unused Powerups

These are powerups that are in the game, but can't be obtained via "normal manners" (without using commands and such).

Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
[MISSING TEXT] While in combat, a bar will charge while you're moving. If you stand still, the bar will drain and time will stop until the bar is fully drained or you start moving again.
An Ab.png An Ab Critical Hit Chance
Dominate the game with this slab of muscle tissue safely and painlessly extracted from a willing human. Carrying this strong piece of meat gives you the ability to critically damage your enemies. Has a chance for your next hit to deal 50% more damage.

Cut Powerups

These are powerups that are not implemented into the game anymore.

Icon Name Notes
A Bug.png a_bug Sprite of a bug, pretty self explanatory. Unknown what it would've done as a powerup but is occasionally used as one of the temporary powerup icon sprites for unfinished powerups.
Accelerated Training.png accelerated_training Sprite of a crosshair with an arrow pointing up on the bottom right. Likely meant to be a boost in accuracy, meaning it was likely replaced by Weptek Accuracy Optimizer.
Bone Turret.png turret_beacon_bone Sprite of a turret made of bones. Pretty self explanatory what it was meant to be, but why it was unused is unknown.
Cyclopian Cranium.png cyclopian_cranium Sprite of a cracked cyclops skull. Unknown what it would've done though.
Egg Basket.png egg_basket Sprite of a basket with eggs. One of the scrapped category concepts that were originally planned to be added with the powerup update. Damage tick will make eggs appear in the basket over time. The next hit you land with your melee weapon will rustle the basket and release eggs at the position of the impact.
Eye Of Farath Khuul.png eye_of_farath_khuul Sprite of a diamond shaped eye, Unknown what it would've done.
Gas Sole.png stomp_elemental_gas A yellow-brown looking sole. Considering the internal name for Knockback Bullet Lotion uses gas, it was likely that it would've knocked back enemies when stomping and replaced by Hurricane Sole.
Golden Mask.png golden_mask Sprite of a golden mask, self-explanatory. Unknown what it would've done, though it may have been related to the Imperiants.
Ground Repellent.png ground_repellent Sprite of what appears to be a gooey pinkish-purple substance. Unknown what it would've done though.
Heartbreak Rounds.png heartbreak_bullet Sprite of a heart broken in the middle. There's an animation related to it of a heart being broken apart. Unknown what it would've done, though MAYBE it could've been an earlier version of Homesick Bullet Lotion???
Juggernaut.png juggernaut Sprite of a blue football helmet. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Maxammo.png maxammo Sprite of a red fanny pack. Based on the name, it was likely functionally identical and eventually replaced by the Human Bandolier.
Message In A Bottle.png message_in_a_bottle Sprite of a bottle containing a message, pretty self explanatory. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Midnight Rose.png midnight_rose Sprite of what is presumably a blue rose. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Overgrown Wand.png overgrown_wand Sprite of a stick, yeah. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Poisoned Chalice.png poisoned_chalice Sprite of a golden chalice with a poisonous liquid inside. Though it's not known what exactly it would've done, maybe it gave bullets a poison effect and in that case what poison effect, it was likely repurposed into Curious Chalice.
Prophetic Orb.png prophetic_orb Sprite of a green orb in a base, or something idk it's kind of a weird sprite. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Reloadup.png reloadup Sprite of a blue manual. Considering the name, it's likely it was replaced by Helping Hand, and considering that the sprite is literally just the Martial Arts Manual with a more generic cover art, it was likely repurposed for that.
Steam Rounds.png elemental_bullet_steam Sprite of a black and white round. Seeing as the internal name for the Hurricane Sole uses steam, it's likely this would've given your bullets the chance to create a gust of wind on hit.
The Seer.png the_seer Sprite of a pink eye with it's vein attached. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Tranq Dart.png tranq_dart Sprite of a tranquilizer dart. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Unsettling Portrait.png unsettling_portrait Sprite of a portrait depicting someone. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Unused Bandaid.png unused_bandaid Sprite of a bandaid. Unknown what exactly it would've done. Lives up to its name.
Weptek Employee.png weptek_employee_id Sprite of an employee card, implied to be from Weptek. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Wind Icon.png elemental_sprint_wind Sprite of a wind looking spirit. Based on the name, it likely would've produced gusts of wind behind you when sprinting. Though it's unknown why it went unused.
Wizard Encyclopedia.png wizard_encyclopedia Sprite of three books lined up. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Golfbag.png golfbag Sprite of a golfing bag with two golf clubs inside of it. Based on old gameplay footage this would've increased the max amount of weapons you could carry from 2 to 3.
The Earth.png the_earth Sprite of the planet Earth. It may have been replaced by Inner Fusion considering the theme of planets present.
Mysterious Gunk.png mysterious_gunk Sprite of something green. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Calm Brain.png calm_brain Sprite of a brain and two eyeballs attached to it. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Pulse Boots.png pulse_boots Sprite of a black boot with possibly electric semi-spheres under it. Possibly using an early design for the boot line of powerups and, therefore, likely was going to be an electric boot.
Stamina Drop.png staminaDrop Sprite of a drop of sweat. Based on old footage it would've given you more stamina, back when stamina was a thing.
Blessed Sushi.png blessed_sushi Sprite of a bento box with sushi and a pair of chopsticks. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Incendiary Rounds Unused.png incendiary_round Sprite of a bullet with a red ring. Likely replaced by Incendiary Rounds.
Melee Melon.png melee_melon Sprite of a watermelon. Based on the name, it wouldn't done something with your melee weapons, but otherwise its unknown what exactly it would've done.
Raredropup.png raredropup Sprite of several plus signs. Based on the name it might've increased the chance of rarer items spawning, but otherwise its unknown what exactly it would've done.
BoltZapEnergyDrink.png BoltZapEnergyDrink Sprite of a can of BoltZap. This powerup would've given you an extra jump you could perform during a jump, unused because it just didn't work out with the timed jump and stuff.
BulletStrike.png bulletStrike Sprite of something. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Alien Device.png alien_device Sprite of a bizarre extraterrestrial device. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Best In Show.png best_in_show Sprite of a potted bonsai plant with a medal. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Lasagna.png lasagna Sprite of a tasty looking lasagna. Based on old gameplay footage it would've increased your max health. Garfield joke
Dodge Reverse Bombard.png dodge_reverse_bombard Sprite of a golden nugget. Considering the name and that this sprite has animations related to it of a formless much a like the ones that appear in the Formless challenge with gold to chuck, it's likely it was meant to activate by dodging, having a formless chuck gold. Where it would be chucked and what reverse means in all this is unknown.
Maxammo1.png maxammo1 Sprite of some kind of odd bullet-shaped can opened with action lines coming out of it. Based on the name, it probably was replaced by Human Bandolier. Also probably related to maxammo which probably was replaced by this or the other way around.
Pathetic Flame.png pathetic_flame Sprite of a rather weak and upset looking flame. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Stomp Elemental Fire.png stomp_elemental_fire Sprite of a flaming boot. Likely an old design for the boot variety of powerups, with this boot being left behind.
Omnipotent Cursor.png omnipotent_cursor Sprite of a mouse cursor, probably unrelated to Alan Gloob. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Laser Sprint.png laser_sprint Sprite of an Emeraldon Parasite with lasers jotting out of the four cardinal directions. Based on the name it likely would've created lasers behind you as you ran, but other than that it's unknown what exactly it would've done.
Lounge.png lounge Sprite of a pinkish reddish door. Unknown what exactly it would've done.
Knockback Bullet Lotion.png Knockback Bullet Lotion Old sprite for Jellified Tungsten Bullet Lotion that's no longer in the files. Pinny here says that its internal name has wind in it based on their backups but I SWEAR it had gas in it I solemnly swear if I'm wrong on that you have my permission to publicly humiliate me.
Sun Bullet Lotion.png Sun Bullet Lotion Old sprite for Inner Fusion that's no longer in the files.
Beacon Suck.png Beacon Suck Similar looking sprite to The Bubble-Button Boogie albeit much simpler and green. Precursor to the Beacon Magnet added in the 1.1 update, which sucks items to the beacon, much like celestial mass.
Bubble Button.png Old Bubble-Button Boogie Old sprite for The Bubble-Button Boogie.