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Here you will find every single enemy that is currently in the game as of version 1.0.

It is worth noting that all enemies featured in The Void (aside from the Puppeteer) have the ability to appear in other worlds, this can be due to Looping, inserting a Void Weapon inside of a Forge or playing a Final Run or New Run+ where they can spawn inside of Void Crystals.

Tutorial Realm

Icon Name Enemy Type Base Health Description
Tutorial Realm Manager.png Tutorial Realm Manager Special 500 Max Health.png These huge dummies are in charge of moving and placing Tutorial Realm Denizen in the most optimal spots for teaching. Just make sure you're not in their way.
Tutorial Realm Denizen.png Tutorial Realm Denizen Special 30 Max Health.png These mechanic dummies inhabit the Tutorial Realm. Famous for having a burning passion for teaching and standing still.


Icon Name Enemy Type Base Health Description
Formless Prime.png Formless Prime Boss 1500 Max Health.png
750 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
The oldest most powerful of the Formless in all of Antlantis. It has lived since the dawn of the Imperiant and the fall of the Shramplings.
Kegler Captain.png Kegler Captain Boss 1500 Max Health.png
750 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
Lippyplop.png Lippyplop Boss 1500 Max Health.png
750 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
A massive repulsive creature. False icon of Shrampling faith, the loathsome Lippyplop. It sports a single hideous eye, no depth perception and a foul smelling aura. This beast evolved in the new ocean world order living of rotten corals and the generosity of mindless Shrampling followers.
The Matriarch.png The Matriarch Boss 1500 Max Health.png
750 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
The supreme commander of all Imperiant kind. Her majesty rules with an iron fist and has unquenchable appetite for Shramplings.
Beach Stray.png Beach Stray Critter 40 Max Health.png Easily confused with a normal shell, this creature keeps the Antlantis dirt wet by licking the salt out of it, sometimes blows bubbles too big for their own good.
Formless.png Formless Critter INVINCIBLE The Formless are a collective of drifting creatures that have the ability to fuse their bodies to geological elements. They seem to be restricted to the Antlantis regions. Probably because of the never ending supply of gold.
Imperiant Baby.png Imperiant Baby Critter 10 Max Health.png Without the correct containment, the Imperiant Baby will spew out its goo without much purpose, a danger to anyone not too fond of goo.
Imperiant.png Imperiant Grunt 25 Max Health.png The invasive Imperiant lives in a highly structured hierarchical society ruled by a single leader. The Matriarch. The golden masks they wear is a necessity for survival. It hides them from the local wildlife while they mine their precious gold.
Imperiant Confidant.png Imperiant Confidant Grunt 30 Max Health.png These Imperiants are the personal guards and advisors of the The Matriarch, chosen for their quick feet and blind faith.
Imperiant Miner.png Imperiant Miner Grunt 30 Max Health.png The Imperiant Miners are appointed by the The Matriarch to mine the precious gold throughout the region, wearing the mask as to not gain unwanted attention.
Kegler Bucko.png Kegler Bucko Grunt 30 Max Health.png N/A
Kegler Hearty.png Kegler Hearty Grunt 30 Max Health.png N/A
Kegler Matey.png Kegler Matey Grunt 30 Max Health.png N/A
Shrampling.png Shrampling Grunt 25 Max Health.png Not much is known about pre-antlantian Shramplings but it is believed that they ruled most of the continent in a state of harmonious peace. Now, a low-tech tribal like society. They are under constant threat by the environment and have only recently started to gain a foothold in the region again.
Shrampling Beauty.png Shrampling Beauty Grunt 30 Max Health.png The most beautiful Shramplings are chosen to be close combat warriors, due to their vibrant shell coating giving them defensive attributes.
Shrampling Ranger.png Shrampling Ranger Grunt 25 Max Health.png This Shrampling just loves waxing bow strings all night.
Formless Aggressor.png Formless Aggressor Special 70 Max Health.png The Formless Aggressor likes to lunge its gilded husk at you.
Formless Chunker.png Formless Chunker Special 40 Max Health.png A Formless in sentry configuration. It throws large pieces of gold at anything it finds threatening.
Gloptolisk.png Gloptolisk Special 40 Max Health.png It's not quite clear where this living tower came from. Is it a strange mutation? A collective of multiple organisms? Better let the bullets ask the questions.

Porko Land

Icon Name Enemy Type Base Health Description
Alan Gloob.png Alan Gloob Boss 3500 Max Health.png
1750 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
Echino.png Echino Boss 3500 Max Health.png
1750 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
The big green unrelenting photosynthesizing menace Echino hails from the grasslands and is the apex predator in its environment.
Emeraldon Echino.png Emeraldon Echino Boss 3500 Max Health.png
1750 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
Dead bones reanimated by the forces of ancient magic. The carnivorous carcass is back for more and you better be ready for it.
Magmoth.png Magmoth Boss 3500 Max Health.png
1750 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
The final form of its lifecycle. A disgusting electrified behemoth that is native to Porko land. Its mostly seen during periods of rain.
Blue bird.png Blue Bird Critter INVINCIBLE Careful, these have a temper, I mean sure I stepped on their eggs but still.
Bugward.png Bugward Critter 50 Max Health.png A creature fond of sculting mud balls.
Butterfly.png Butterfly Critter 1 Max Health.png A small flying bug that adds alot of positivity in the dreaded place we call the universe.
Cricket.png Cricket Critter 1 Max Health.png These little guys go 'crunch' way too easily.
Fly.png Fly Critter 1 Max Health.png Porkos like to keep these in jars, then brag about them.
Magmoth Larva.png Magmoth Larva Critter 30 Max Health.png The second stage of the Magmoths lifecycle. If you really need to poke at them please use caution. They are loaded with electricity.
Cactoid Baby.png Cactoid Baby Special 15 Max Health.png The offspring of the Cactoids.
Cactoid Mama.png Cactoid Mama Special 70 Max Health.png A poisonous carnivorous plant. It will go to great lengths at defending itself, even sacrificing its sprawling young.
Emeraldon.png Emeraldon Grunt 35 Max Health.png After centuries of mining, the long lost civilization of Ratak found something hidden deep underground. Endless pockets of mysterious magical gemstones. They would use these to power their ever expanding empire until something changed. The stones awoke, and the rest is history.
Emeraldon Echino Baby.png Emeraldon Echino Baby Special 100 Max Health.png This Emeraldon has inhabited and awakened a smaller Echino.
Frantic Emeraldon.png Frantic Emeraldon Grunt 35 Max Health.png This gem's husk used to be really good at running, I guess they still are.
Emeraldon Parasite.png Emeraldon Parasite Special INVINCIBLE This parasite inhabits the deceased, awakens them to carry out its never-ending aggression.
Protected Emeraldon.png Protected Emeraldon Grunt 50 Max Health.png The Protected Emeraldon wears the skull of a Cactoid Mama to protect its gem.
Unresting Emeraldon.png Unresting Emeraldon Grunt 35 Max Health.png Bones shooting bones.
Gloob Crusher.png Gloob Crusher Other 100 Max Health.png N/A
Floppy Glooboid.png Floppy Glooboid Other 70 Max Health.png N/A
Gamer Glooboid.png Gamer Glooboid Other 70 Max Health.png N/A
Gloved Glooboid.png Gloved Glooboid Other 70 Max Health.png N/A
Magfly.png Magfly Grunt 15 Max Health.png The first stage of Magmoths lifecycle.
Magmoth Baby.png Magmoth Baby Grunt 70 Max Health.png A young but dangerous Magmoth.
Porko.png Porko Grunt 35 Max Health.png The Porko lives in small communities around the aptly named Porko Land. They are a thick-headed bipedal swinelike species. Explorers and exploiters. Constantly seeking new muddy lands to inhabit.
Porko Chaser.png Porko Chaser Grunt 50 Max Health.png The Porko Chaser truly loves to roll in mud, even during combat
Porko Shooter.png Porko Shooter Grunt 35 Max Health.png The Porko Shooter's weapon has been handed down for generations, they even have a pet name for it: ''My Weapon'', cute!
Porko Sniper.png Porko Sniper Grunt 35 Max Health.png The Porko Sniper can see their hut from here.
Spore Born.png Spore Born Special 70 Max Health.png These beings hide themselves, and their way too many feet, amongst the surrounding mushrooms.
Weedling.png Weedling Grunt 35 Max Health.png These flower based organisms evolved to bonk you on your noggin.
Masked Weedling.png Masked Weedling Grunt 35 Max Health.png These Weedlings hide behind both a mask and a shield, truly a wallflower.

The North

Icon Name Enemy Type Base Health Description
The Harvester.png The Harvester Boss 4500 Max Health.png
2250 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
Pony.png Pony Boss 4500 Max Health.png
2250 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
The Prophecy.png The Prophecy Boss 4500 Max Health.png
2250 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
Skogr.png Skogr Boss 4500 Max Health.png
2250 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
Pinecrow.png Pinecrow Critter 60 Max Health.png N/A
Harvest Caretaker.png Harvest Caretaker Other 80 Max Health.png N/A
Harvest Golem.png Harvest Golem Other 150 Max Health.png N/A
Harvest Grower.png Harvest Grower Other 80 Max Health.png N/A
Harvest Thrower.png Harvest Thrower Other 80 Max Health.png N/A
Nordunn Deadeye.png Nordunn Deadeye Grunt 60 Max Health.png N/A
Nordunn Elder.png Nordunn Elder Special 150 Max Health.png N/A
Nordunn Kicker.png Nordunn Kicker Grunt 80 Max Health.png N/A
Nordunn Lumberer.png Nordunn Lumberer Grunt 80 Max Health.png N/A
Nordunn Runer.png Nordunn Runer Grunt 60 Max Health.png N/A
North Pole.png North Pole Special 200 Max Health.png N/A
Greater Pinecrow.png Greater Pinecrow Special 150 Max Health.png N/A
Tomto.png Tomto Special 60 Max Health.png It is beleived that The Tomtos think magic is hilarious. Scientists have a difficult time figuring out if they think the magic itself is the fun part or if it's the damage it is inflicting on other beings. The current conclusion is that they seem to have a good time being bad.
Tomto Cavalry.png Tomto Cavalry Special 150 Max Health.png

48 Max Health.png + 18 Max Health.png

Ugglur Cultist.png Ugglur Cultist Grunt 60 Max Health.png N/A
Ugglur Scout.png Ugglur Scout Grunt 60 Max Health.png N/A
Ugglur Scout Leader.png Ugglur Scout Leader Grunt 60 Max Health.png N/A
Ugglur Summoner.png Ugglur Summoner Grunt 60 Max Health.png N/A

The Void

Icon Name Enemy Type Base Health Description
Void Puppeteer.png Puppeteer Boss 5000 Max Health.png
3000 Corrupted Max Health Heart.png
This powerful being has the ability to bring back copies of your fallen foes. These are made up of entangled Void Fragments, all working as one to bring you down.
Overseer.png Overseer Special 120 Max Health.png The Void manifests these to suppress, control and conquer those who resist.
Ravager.png Ravager Special 160 Max Health.png Scary needle on scary creature makes you scared.
Ripper.png Ripper Special 80 Max Health.png A terrifying aerial adversary from The Void.
Voidling.png Voidling Grunt 64 Max Health.png Voidlings, spawned from nothing. Desperately mimicing something.
Voidling Assassin.png Voidling Assassin Grunt 80 Max Health.png The fastest Voidlings are made to slice through reality, momentarily ripping the fabric of space and time with their blade forged out of... nothing?
Voidling Blaster.png Voidling Blaster Grunt 64 Max Health.png This Voidling is blasting away free will from the universe.
Voidling Sentinel.png Voidling Sentinel Grunt 64 Max Health.png This Voidling is sniping away free will from the universe.
Voidling Smasher.png Voidling Smasher Grunt 80 Max Health.png This Voidling swings its mighty hammer to shatter reality into submission.


Icon Name Enemy Type Base Health Description
Void Infested Beacon.png Void Infested Beacon Special 160 Max Health.png N/A


These are used by testers to help balance weapons and powerups.

Icon Name Enemy Type Base Health Debug Descripton
Tutorial Realm Denizen.png Debug Boss Dummy Special 3500 Max Health.png


an invincible dumb head boss
Tutorial Realm Denizen.png Debug Dummy Special 999 Max Health.pngINVINCIBLE an invincible dumb head

Loop Health

The secret sauce is now in your hands, use it wisely.

Loop Number Bosses Critters Grunts Other Special
1 +3000 Max Health.png +0 Max Health.png +35 Max Health.png +35 Max Health.png +35 Max Health.png
2 +1750 Max Health.png +0 Max Health.png +36.25 Max Health.png +36.25 Max Health.png +36.25 Max Health.png
3 +1500 Max Health.png +0 Max Health.png +17.5 Max Health.png +17.5 Max Health.png +17.5 Max Health.png
4 +750 Max Health.png +0 Max Health.png +8.75 Max Health.png +8.75 Max Health.png +8.75 Max Health.png
5+ +300 Max Health.png +0 Max Health.png +3.5 Max Health.png +3.5 Max Health.png +3.5 Max Health.png