Jhase's Shop

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Please don't let the food be raw

The food:

Jhase's Shop.png

Jhase's Shop is an enterable that appears in every world except for the Void, where you can purchase powerups, weapons, and upgrades with an chance to use up to two Jhase-related interactables.


Rarity Powerup Upgrade Weapon
20Shard.png 10Shard.png 10Shard.png
25Shard.png 15Shard.png 15Shard.png
30Shard.png 20Shard.png 20Shard.png
35Shard.png 25Shard.png 25Shard.png


Three types of interactables can spawn in Jhase's Shop.

Icon Interactable Description Notes
No image yet Sell Health N/A Sell health up to three times for shards, 5 shards per use.
No image yet Sell Item N/A Sell an item for shards, number of shards depends on the items. If you have an upgraded powerup the sell value will be higher.
No image yet Recharge N/A Trade an item for a recharge ghost.


If you manage to empty all 8 spots, through purchasing it or removing the offer through external methods, Jhase will thank you with a free powerup bundle and upgrade station.