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Powerups are obtainable items that can be acquired by opening a Loot Vortex, buying them from Jhase's Shop, successfully completing Challenge Rooms, using Interactables or by finding a Powerup Bundle. Each powerup has unique effects and their effects description can be found by standing near a powerup in the world or by heading to the Powerups tab on the menu. When a powerup is picked up, it cannot be dropped but can be traded for shards or other items through Interactables and can also be lost when looping.


All powerups have a set rarity which indicates how rare the powerup can be to obtain and suggests how well-performing they are. The rarity of a powerup is also dependant on the level of the powerup.

Label Rarity
Rarity4.png Ultra Rare Powerups
Rarity3.png Rare Powerups
Rarity2.png Uncommon Powerups
Rarity1.png Common Powerups


Most powerups can be upgraded from Upgrade Bundles or as a purchase from Jhase's Shop. Upgrades can go as far as 1 extra star to 5 and can be one of the four rarities, generally staying the same or increasing in rarity as you upgrade a powerup.


Most of these pages are unfinished, so go ahead and browse them to add notes, trivia, or just corrections if possible.


Powerups that act upon activating a Beacon.

  • There are currently 7 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Beacon Barrage.png Beacon Barrage Beacon Barrage During Battle
Beacons make it rain. Upon Beacon activation, the Beacon will temporary spew out plasma balls that explode upon impact clearing out walls and damaging enemies.
Beacon Blender.png Beacon Blender Beacon Spinning Blade
A whirlwind of blades right at the beacon base. Creates a spinning blade on beacons that do heavy damage to enemies.
Beacon Break.png Beacon Break Beacon Activation Stuns All Enemies
Beacons give you a break. Upon Beacon activation, all NPCs and projectiles will temporarily freeze with the exception of the player.
Beacon Soul.png Beacon Soul Heal on Beacon Activation
Beacons thank you. Upon Beacon activation, the player is healed for a small portion of their health.
Kindred Contact.png Kindred Contact Beacons Boost Attack Speed
Beacons sense your presence... a bygone connection is kindled. Upon Beacon activation, there will be a radius surrounding the Beacon that will increase the player's attack and reload speed.
Mother Ship.png Mother Ship Beacons Follow You
Beacons are drawn to you and your friends. It is clear that these crystal structures are sentient. Beacons now follow behind you and can no longer be destroyed by the boss.
Unstable Beacons.png Unstable Beacons Beacons Fire Lasers
Sometimes deadly beams of light surge out of the Beacons. Don't worry, it can't hurt you. Almost as if somehow... they know. Upon Beacon activation, the Beacon will periodically shoot out lasers from itself in random directions that can damage hostile threats.


Powerups with a cooldown, that act upon stomping on an enemy.

  • There are currently 11 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Bat Boot.png Bat Boot Bat Boot Attack on Stomp
This bat filled boot is here to help you... BAT STYLE! Creates a batlike boot that, when you stomp an enemy, will cause it to stomp down and release several bats. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Bomb Boots Powerup.png Bomb Boot Bomb Boot Attack On Stomp
This booming boot is here to help you... BOMB STYLE! Creates a boot with a bomb that, when you stomp an enemy, will cause it to stomp down and blow up. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Bone Boots Powerup.png Bone Boot Bone Boot Attack on Stomp
This bony boot is here to help you... BONE STYLE! Creates a skeletal boot that, when you stomp an enemy, will cause it to stomp down and release several bone projectiles. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Crab Boot.png Crab Boot Crab Boot Attack on Stomp
This crab smelling boot is here to help you... CRAB STYLE! Creates a crablike boot that, when you stomp an enemy, will cause it to stomp down and release several crabs. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Emeraldon Boot.png Emeraldon Boot Emeraldon Boot Attack on Stomp
This magical parasite infested boot is here to help you... LASER STYLE! Creates a parasite-infested skeletal boot that, when you stomp an enemy, will cause it to stomp down and shoot out four lasers. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Frog Boot.png Frog Boot Frog Boot Attack on Stomp
This froglike boot is here to help you... FROG STYLE! Creates a froglike boot that, when you stomp an enemy, will cause it to stomp down and release several frogs. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Protectus Boot.png Protectus Boot Protectus Boot Defend on Stomp
This protective boot is here to help you... SHIELD STYLE! Creates a Protectus-like boot that, when you stomp an enemy, will cause it to stomp down and destroy enemy projectiles within a radius. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Rat Boot Powerup.png Rat Boot Rat Boot Attack on Stomp
This biting boot is here to help you... RAT STYLE! Creates a ratlike boot that, when you stomp an enemy, will cause it to stomp down and release several rats. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Snake Boot Powerup.png Snake Boot Snake Boot Attack on Stomp
This boot is here to help you... SNAKE STYLE! Creates a snakelike boot that, when you stomp an enemy, will cause it to stomp down and release several snakes. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Soul Boot Powerup.png Soul Boot Soul Boot Attack on Stomp
This undead boot is here to help you... SOUL STYLE! Creates a spooky-looking boot that, when you stomp an enemy, will cause it to stomp down and release several souls. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Weptek Boot Powerup.png Weptek Boot Weptek Boot Attack on Stomp
This weaponized boot is here to help you... MISSILE STYLE! Creates a Weptek-style boot that, when you stomp an enemy, will cause it to stomp down and fire several homing missiles. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.

Bullet Lotions

Adds a chance for player's bullets to gain unique projectile properties.

  • There are currently 15 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Avoidatron Bullet Lotion.png Avoidatron Bullet Lotion Bullets do Sharp Turns to Avoid Walls
An amazing new way to get rid of bullet holes in your walls.. before they happen! No more holes! No more tears! Friendly bullets "ride" along walls instead of hitting them directly.
Bat Bullet Lotion Powerup.png Bat Bullet Lotion Bat Bullets
It's not actually made from bats. No bats were harmed in the making of this lotion. It's just a marketing thing. We promise! It's NOT bats. Adds bat properties to friendly projectiles and has a chance to cause a projectile to have the bat effect on impact.
Frog Bullet Lotion Powerup.png Frog Bullet Lotion Exploding Frog Bullets
It's not actually made from frogs. No frogs were harmed in the making of this lotion. It's just a marketing thing. We promise! It's NOT frogs. Adds frog properties to friendly projectiles and has a chance to cause a projectile to have the frog effect on impact.
Homesick Bullet Lotion.png Homesick Bullet Lotion Homesick Bullets
This lotion is created by mixing homesick children's tears and ancient dark magic. All natural ingredients! All friendly bullets now arc when shot out and will return to the player, hitting enemies that get in the way.
Hyperlink Bullet Lotion.png Hyperlink Bullet Lotion Bullet Target Link
Alan Gloob designed this sophisticated technology to allow swift and effortless navigation for his official blog page.

He later realized it could also be used for efficient skull-to-skull bullet navigation.

Friendly bullets that hit an enemy will pierce through and redirect themselves to the closest enemy.
Grenade Bullet Lotion.png Grenade Bullet Lotion All Bullets are now Grenades
This lotion is made out of newly harvested grenades. 100% organic and you save the planet! Turns all of your bullets into grenades that fire at an arc then explode when landing.
Jellified Tungsten Bullet Lotion.png Jellified Tungsten Bullet Lotion Bullets Knockback Enemies
The heavy properties of tungsten now in cream form makes your bullets heavier and heavier with each application. Friendly bullets push back enemies.
Orb Bullet Lotion.png Orb Bullet Lotion Bullets Briefly Become Homing Orbs
Orb Technology was first discovered by Karkamas when he created a quantum orb structures to guide potato chips to his mouth. Doctor Fusion did further research on the matter and ended up buying the patent, later releasing it as the commercial success 'Orb Bullet Lotion'. Karkamas said in an interview that he regrets selling the patent but respect Doctor Fusions unconventional ways of doing RAD science. Friendly bullets, when fired, pause for a bit while homing into enemies before shooting forward towards the direction of your cursor.
Protectus Bullet Lotion.png Protectus Bullet Lotion Blocking Bullets
Grounded up Protectus gems to coat your bullets in. Good for one single, but solid block! Bullets shot out of your ranged weapons can deflect enemy projectiles.
Rat Bullet Lotion Powerup.png Rat Bullet Lotion Rat Bullets
It's not actually made from rats. No rats were harmed in the making of this lotion. It's just a marketing thing. We promise! It's NOT rats. Adds rat properties to friendly projectiles and has a chance to cause a projectile to have the rat effect on impact.
Rocket Bullet Lotion.png Rocket Bullet Lotion All Bullets are now Rockets
Ultra soothing bullet lotion. Infused with eco friendly rocket butter. Turns all friendly bullets into rocket bullets that, when shot out, pause for a bit before shooting forward and exploding on impact.
Simulation Bullet Lotion.png Simulation Bullet Lotion Bullets Glitch Back
This lotion will ensure your bullets that they are in fact living in an intricate and advanced simulation.

The bullets might choose to use this to use this to their advantage or wallow in existentioal dread... we'll see!

Friendly bullets, after impacting something, "glitch" back a bit to shoot forward again.
Snake Bullet Lotion Powerup.png Snake Bullet Lotion Snake Bullets
It's not actually made from snakes. No snakes were harmed in the making of this lotion. It's just a marketing thing. We promise! It's NOT snakes. Adds snake properties to friendly projectiles and has a chance to cause a projectile to have the snake effect on impact.
Void Bullet Lotion Powerup.png Void Bullet Lotion Bullet Fling Back Chance
A perfect amount smeared onto your bullets will cause them to try and kill you. But you know your own bullets like the back of your hand so you'll be fine. All friendly bullets, after disappearing, instead go back a bit.
Weptek Bullet Lotion Powerup.png Weptek Smart Bullet Lotion Homing Bullets
It's actually made from smart robots. Smart robots were harmed in the making of this lotion. It's not just a marketing thing. We promise! All friendly projectiles have a homing property to them, though are slightly slower.


When the player reaches a certain damage threshold, a stomp-able button with unique properties is spawned.

  • There are currently 17 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Bat Button.png Bat Button Stompable Bat Buttons Appear
This vampiric button will appear during combat. When stomped on, bloodthirsty bats fly out.

The loud squeaking inside the button made the previous vampire owner keep them outside the castle, whereby they were stolen by some peasants to trade for 'Peasant Bread'.

When this button is stomped, a swarm of Bats is released.
Bone Button.png Bone Button Stompable Bone Buttons Appear
This skeletal button will appear during combat. When stomped on, anatomically correct bones fly out.

This respectful bone head was created to honor the skulls lost to the Emeraldon parasites of Porko Land. Stomping it makes you feel like an Emeraldon, exciting!

When this button is stomped, a plethora of Bones are released.
Boom Bomb Button.png Boom Bomb Button Stompable Bomb Buttons Appear
A button filled to the brim with explosives. Very unstable. A firm stomp should do the trick. When this button is stomped, a large explosion is released.
Bullet Button.png Bullet Button Stompable Bullet Buttons Appear
A legendary button that has a very descriptive name. When this button is stomped, piercing bullets will shoot out of this button.
Electricity Button.png Electricity Button Stompable Electricity Buttons Appear
This button contains super charged circuitry that when pressed, releases its shocking potential. When this button is stomped, a radius surrounding the button will be electrified.
Emeraldon Button.png Emeraldon Button Ricocheting Laser Button
Cracking this dormant Emeraldon shell unleashes it's full raw power. When this button is stomped, piercing lasers that can ricochet off of walls will shoot out of this button.
Fire Button.png Fire Button Stompable Fire Buttons Appear
Stomping this button unleashed the thermal energy stored within. When this button is stomped, a radius surrounding this button will be set ablaze.
Frog Button.png Frog Button Stompable Frog Buttons Appear
This slippery frog button will appear during combat. When stomped on, an army of explosive frogs will pop out.

Amphibians use the button as their meeting room, some of the most important frog bills in the world are voted on in here. You should probably treat it with a bit more respect.

When this button is stomped, a swarm of frogs is released.
Grave Button.png Grave Button Stompable Grave Buttons Appear
This chilling grave button will appear during combat. When stomped on, spooky souls fly out.

Resting in peace? Not today!

When this button is stomped, a plethora of souls and a minute amount of bones are released.
Ice Button.png Ice Button Stompable Ice Buttons Appear
This icy button freezes everything close. Press to gain unfair advantage. When this button is stomped, a radius surrounding this button will freeze.
Pause Button.png Pause Button Stompable Button That Stops Time
A pause button from a Giant's VHS player, brought back from an extremely dangerous scavenge trip to the Boldingo Islands.

Many brave adventurers were left behind on the carpeted floor of that treacherous living room, but surely it was worth it?

When this button is stomped, everything but the player will be frozen in time for a brief period of time.
Poison Button.png Poison Button Stompable Poison Buttons Appear
Loaded with a highly dangerous toxin refined from some kind of jungle spider. This button explodes in a cloud of poison gas when pressed. When this button is stomped, a radius surrounding this button will be poisoned.
Rat Button.png Rat Button Stompable Rat Buttons Appear
These buttons have been blessed with 'Total Rat Power'.

They will appear during combat, and when stomped they will rain down beautiful rats on your enemies.

When this button is stomped, a swarm of Rats is released.
Shot Flipper.png Shot Flipper Stompable Button That Reverse Enemy Bullets
Shot flipping buttons appear in the world. When stomped, all nearby enemy bullets are reversed back to the shooter.

With the right timing one of these can change the tide of battle in a split second.

When this button is stomped, a radius surrounding this button will return hostile projectiles.
Snake Button.png Snake Button Stompable Snake Buttons Appear
This hissing button will appear during combat. When stomped on, a wet bunch of snake eggs will fall out.

Snakes keep their eggs in here to allow them an action filled first impression of the world, it builds bravery in a young snake.

When this button is stomped, a plethora of Snake eggs is released.
Void Button.png Void Button Stompable Void Buttons Appear
This ominous button will appear during combat. When stomped on, unstable void projectiles shoot out.

You can feel her presence emanating from within the button.

When this button is stomped, Void Bullets will shoot out of this button.
Weptek Button.png Weptek Button Stompable Weptek Buttons Appear
This fully armed Weptek button will appear during combat. When stomped on, a swarm of highly explosive missiles will be ejected.

According to corporate espionage, a Weptek spy placed one of these under the seat of a competing comany's CEO. The CEO thought it was a 'Funny Whoopie Cushion' and sat on it for team morale.

When this button is stomped, Weptek Homing Rockets will shoot out of this button.

Button Modifiers

Powerups that affect the players buttons. Only spawns when the player has at least one (1) button.

  • There are currently 5 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Proxy Button Bop.png The Beep-Button Bop All Buttons Become Proximity Mines
Introducing the WepTek Proximity Mine Button-Pusher! Never lift a finger again with this revolutionary device. Just wave your hand near any button and BOOM it's pressed! Perfect for the laziest of warriors or those with a distaste for manual labor.

'Because why press buttons when you can blow them up?' - WepTek

This is unfinished, please come back later!
The Bubble Button Boogie.png The Bubble-Button Boogie All Buttons Spit Bubbles
Introducing this bubble-spewing button attachment, the latest invention from the Shramplings. Crafted from stolen gold from the Imperiants and shaped into a cute, little turret, the device will bring joy and bubbles.

The Shramplings have an insatiable love for bubbles and this device may just be their ultimate weapon in achieving bubble trouble.

This is unfinished, please come back later!
Gulp Button Groove.png The Gulp-Button Groove All Buttons Suck
The Gulp-Button Groove is an innovative device invented by Professor Karkamas. It has the ability to generate a vacuum effect around any designated button, drawing in any nearby foes and keeping them in close proximity to the button. Its effectiveness has been proven in extensive testing and it is patent pending. This is unfinished, please come back later!
Crab Button Blitz.png The Leg-Button Limbo All Buttons Follow You
Professor Karkamas, the inventor, was too lazy to reach the buttons. So he dreamed up the Crab-Button Blitz. Robot crab legs sprouted from every button, eager to serve their master.

When he presented it to Jimbot, the little troublemaker immediately seized control of the crab button army. Drunk with power, he declared himself their supreme leader.

'Listen up, my little minions,' he beeped and booped. 'Together, we will rule the workshop! All hail the mighty Jimbot!'

Karkamas watched in horror as Jimbot led his button army into battle, determined to take over the workshop. He knew he had to stop the rogue robot drone before it was too late. But how could he defeat such a cute, yet formidable foe?

He reached for the only weapon at his disposal, the electromagnetic pulse. With a flick of a switch, he sent a jolt of energy through the workshop, taking out the rogue robot drone in one fell swoop.

Jimbat lay sprawled on the ground, his face screen flickering as the pulse scrambled his circuits. Karkamas knelt beside him, his heart heavy with regret. He had no choice but to reset Jimbot's memory, erasing all traces of the button army and their failed coup.

As the memory wipe completed, Jimbot came to, confused and disoriented. He looked up at Karkamas with a dazed expression, his cute and playful nature fully restored.

'What happened?' he beeped, his voice a crunched static.

Karkamas sighed, picking Jimbot up in his arms holding him like a little baby. 'It's a long story, little one. But for now, let's just say that everything is back to normal.'

This is unfinished, please come back later!
Pinch Button Boogie.png The Pinch-Button Polka All Buttons Pinch People
This is an invention born of desperation and greed. Crafted by the coughing, black-bearded Kegler crabs, this device was meant to protect their treasure at all costs. To that end, they added golden pinchers to every keg, capable of snipping the lives of any thieves who dared to take what didn't belong to them.

But as is often the case with such creations, it fell into the hands of the radical Dr. Fusion. With a sly smile and a glint in his eye, he stole the invention and all the loot, modifying it slightly to allow it to be attached to all buttons. Now, 'The Button Pinch Boogie' fights alongside you, snipping and pinching at the Void itself.

This is unfinished, please come back later!


Spawns companions that aid in battle.

  • There are currently 10 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Blossom Bud.png Blossom Bud Companion Root
A couple years after enchanting Pot Pal with... middling results, Botanika decided to have another crack at it. This time she was able to create a living root able to move around by themselves. Pot Pal and Blossom Bud quickly became good friends. Now their loud conversations can be heard all over camp, long past midnight. Spawns a Blossom Bud companion that fires flower seed projectiles towards enemies that burst into homing petals after a short period of time.
Bright Idea.png Bright Idea A Brilliant Friend
Karkamas accidently made it so that his greatest ideas could materialize and become a friend. This is unfinished, please come back later!
Crazy Bat Lady.png Crazy Bat Lady Total Bat Power
This older lady tried to become a vampire for most of her life. After failing she turned directly to the source of their power, the bats. She was able to broker a better deal than a normal vampire, no need to bite or hide from the sun, but at the price of her eyesight.

'Vampires hate her for this one simple trick!'

Spawns a bat lady companion that spawns bats.
Crazy Rat Lady.png Crazy Rat Lady Total Rat Power
This local old lady started feeding rats in her attic. After years of proving her worth to them, they decided to grant her 'Total Rat Power'.

The blessing proved to be overwhelming for her old mind. But you can still spot a big grin when the rats scurry her around.

Spawns a rat lady companion that spawns rats.
Ghost Share.png Ghost Share Health Pickups Also Heal Companions
Sharing is caring even in the ghost realm! Heals your companions partially when you pick up a ghost capsule.
Gloppy.png Gloppy Companion Gloptolisk
This baby Gloptolisk has imprinted on you. They now follow you around and make sure your enemies are in a steady stream of painful bubbles. This is unfinished, come back later!
Health Buffed Pals.png Health Buffed Pals More Companion Health
Your companions are real health buffs now. They eat carrots and walk 15 000 steps everyday. Attacks can't damage them as much because of their well defined ABS!!! Increases the maximum health of your companions.
Live Studio Audience.png Live Studio Audience Hold for Applause
These gummy people come from one of many underground civilizations. Bored by their subterrestrial sitcoms, but find your adventures exciting and are eager to see the final episode.

When their vehicle is rocked some fall out, before going back underground they give one final and violent standing ovation.

Spawns an audience companion that sends out people when damaged that do damage.
Protectus.png Protectus A Protective Friend
This companion will protect you with shot reversing areas.

Even though the ancient nation of Ratak is long lost it is possible to find individuals still practicing Emeraldon magic. They are believed to be the descendants of those last few who held the gates near the capital city during the incident.

The stronghold fell and these defenders scattered into the world only to reemerge a millenia later.

Generations in solitude has taken their basic language skills, leaving only a specific phrase. Protectus!

This is unfinished, please come back later!
Pump King.png Pump King Helpful Royal Pumps
These royal magic pumps were lost to time just like the once powerful 'Island of Shoes'. After decades hidden away a discarded pumpkin from The North ended up beside them. Mustering up a last kick of shoe magic it was able to possess the pumpkin.

Now they roam the world once again, to create a new island where sweaty feet are not allowed to enter.

Spawns a pumpkin familiar that stomps on enemies and bosses.


Powerups that activate after dodging.

  • There are currently 4 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Cloudy Dodge.png Cloudy Dodge Hold Jump to Float
Some Empyrians are born with the ability to defy gravity for a short time. Clozo used this skill to quietly escape his kidnappers, still tied up, but one with the clouds. If you hold the jump button while midjump, a cloud will be created under your feet. This cloud will keep you in the air for a short moment.
Black Hole Hop.png The Black Hole Hop Dodges Suck In Bullets
A unique innovation that allows you to harness the power of a black hole to your advantage. With this device, you can create a singularity every time you jump, sucking in all your projectiles. When you land back on the ground, the black hole evaporates, releusing all absorbed projectiles towards the direction you aim.

This incredible gadget was made possible thanks to the expertise of Dr. Fusion, who was able to modify a stolen warp drive from the notorious space pirate Alan Gloob. By tinkering with the technology, Dr. Fusion was able to create a device capable of warping into the fabric of time and space itself, instantly creating a singularity. Thanks to further modifications by Dr. Fusion, the device now only activates when the users hop away, ensuring their safety. Let's just say that there were too many unfortunate 'spaghettified interns' for comfort, and the necessary adjustments had to be made.

This is unfinished, please come back later!
The Emeraldon Anticurse.png The Emeraldon Anticurse Lasers when Dodging
It was originally an Emeraldon curse. However... the great wizard, Adam Lomaximus the Grande, made a slight tweak to the formula. "The lasers will not hurt the cursed one but still injure others. A weapon... or an anticure if you will." - Adam Lomaximus the Grande Shoots a laser that goes from your starting dodge position to your ending dodge position.
Trap Dodger.png Trap Dodger Dodging Spikes
The whole world is booby-trapped but you know how to dodge. Spawns spikes that protrude where you dodge after a short delay


Spawns an elemental aoe trail behind the player when sprinting.

  • There are currently 4 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Water Icon.png Aquatic Icon Water Sprint during Combat
Carved from the corals of the ocean depths. This peaceful icon feels a need to hydrate and replenish your lost electrolytes.

Try mixing this with other elements to create

interesting outcomes.

During combat, it creates water behind you when you sprint.
Freezing Icon.png Freezing Icon Ice Sprint during Combat
A cold Icon crafted from ice. It's instinct is to bring in a new ice age. But it's just a little too small. During combat, it creates ice behind you when you sprint.
Infernal Icon.png Infernal Icon Fire Sprint during Combat
This Icon contains the spirit of the supervolcano Magrathax. It just can't help itself to burn everything behind you. During combat, it creates fire behind you when you sprint.
Noxious Icon.png Noxious Icon Poison Sprint during Combat
This Icon used to roam aimlessly in a faraway swampland. And now it made it's way to you. Lucky! During combat, it creates poison behind you when you sprint.
Shocking Icon.png Shocking Icon Electric Sprint during Combat
A zapping Icon. It seems very nervous about being here. They appear every now and then after heavy thunderstorms. During combat, it creates electricity behind you when you sprint.

Jhase's Shop

Powerups that are themed around Jhase's Shop.

  • There are currently 2 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Criminal Isopod.png Criminal Isopod Shoplifter Help
After losing his job at the local postal office this isopod fell into crime. After stealing enough for a comfortable pension he now helps other unemployed people such as you.

But do not worry, he is very discrete and will meet back up outside after a successful heist.

When entering a shop, he will still an item. When leaving the shop he will give you the stolen item for free.
Token of Jhase.png Token of Jhase Shop Discount
These old scratched up tokens give you a discount in Jhase's shop.

On the back it reads:

'Please do not use this, it's mainly for marketing, please.'

Jhase's wares are discounted 10%.

Melee Weapons

Powerups that affect melee weapons that don't have a category

  • There are currently 9 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Echo Blade.png Echo Blade Melee Extension
Your melee weapons vibrate through space and time. Their echo is an extension of their potential. Creates a projection of your current melee weapon in front of it.
Emeraldon Shielding.png Emeraldon Shielding Laser on Block
A contained Emeraldon infection, sealed away in your weapon, is an ancient way of protection. Shoots a laser forward when you block an attack with your melee weapon.
Martial Arts Manual.png Martial Arts Manual Faster Melee Attack Speed
Take a minute and educate yourself in the teachings of world champion multi-discipline fighter Flip Kickpunch and his philosophies on self defense and the spirituality of hand to hand combat. Increases attack speed for melee weapons.
Melee Mimic.png Melee Mimic Melee Double Attack
This obsessed poltergeist has noticed your prowess with melee weapons and decided to learn from your ways. They might not hit with the same power, but hey, we all start somewhere! Randomly creates a copy of your last swing where the swing occured with your melee weapons.
Ornate Wooden Hilt.png Ornate Wooden Hilt Melee Wall Break
This beautifully ornate wooden hilt will surely make your enemies drool with envy. As well as make any wall break due to the hilt's unfortunate termite infestation. Allows your melee weapons to break walls.
Protectus Gem.png Protectus Gem Expanded Block
An excavated gem from the long lost nation of Ratak, said to have been the source of a Protectus' power.

These were infused into shields to boost its defensive bounds, however some Protectus even tried injecting these gems to bolster their core. Possibly the reason why they are still spotted living in solitude, long after the fall of Ratak

Blocking with melee weapons creates a wider block.
Rumble Ray.png Rumble Ray Melee Lasers
The famous wrestler Ray Rumble teamed up with Doctor Fusion to bring us the technological knockout 'Rumble Ray TM'!

Punch, slice & stab hyper charged rays into existence!

Shoots a laser out of your melee weapon when you swing it.
Swing Shot.png Swing Shot Melee Bullets
Punch, slice and stab bullets into existence. This surely must be some sort of ancient bullet magic!... Hmm.. That or aliens!! Shoots bullets out of your melee weapon when you swing it.
Weptek Whetstone.png Weptek Whetstone Increased Melee Durability
Weptek are famous for their cutting edge ranged products. So it was no surprise that their first foray into the melee market was to further sharpen the cutting edge. Increases the max durability of your melee weapons.


Miscellaneous effects!

  • There are currently 18 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Antivoid Combo Strike.png Antivoid Combo Strike Explosive Combination Stomping
Stomping the heads of multiple foes charges the power of the antivoid within and landing on the ground releases it. Creates an explosion of Antivoid energy where you land after performing a combo stomp, the higher the combo the stronger the blast.
Apocalyptic Stone Tablet.png Apocalyptic Stone Tablet Meteoric Aid
This sentient slab of rock has a very deep connection to the heavens above. Calling upon all celestial bodies within reach to aid you.

However, it seems to need the souls of your enemies to recharge.

Provides you with a tablet that sends out meteor strikes if you provide it with enough kills.
Back Buckler.png Back Buckler This Shield Got Your Back
A classic Karkamas invention. It is a shield that sits neatly in the middle part of the back. Perfect for blocking attacks from the rear. Gives you a shield that points opposite to your cursor. It acts as similar to blocking with a melee weapon, deflecting projectiles and blocking melee attacks
Blast Refractor.png Blast Refractor Explosions are Refracted into Lasers
A rare crystal prism mined from the great hail clouds of Empyria. Turn all friendly explosions into lasers that shoot towards the four cardinal directions, each dealing a quarter of the explosion's damage.
Celestial Mass.png Celestial Mass Pull Stuff In
This is Doctor Fusion's liver which is constantly imploding, Even this custom made housing can't completely contain the forces inside, causing it to attract nearby objects. Causes enemies, bosses, pickups, weapons and breakable props within your range to be attracted to you.
Clozo's Arm.png Clozo's Arm Longer Arm
An arm extender from the kingdom of Empyria Give you an arm that will extend to where your cursor is up to a point, giving you more range with your weapons.
Coffee.png Coffee Chance of Dropping Coffee
An ancient brew. Some people even say "A priceless liquid not to be dropped all over the place while moving around, that would be wasteful!". Yet here we are. Randomly drops coffee on enemies.
Crystal Impacts.png Crystal Impacts Chance to Spawn Exploding Crystals on Impacts
Your impacts seem to cause these weird exploding crystals to appear. Randomly spawns a crystal that explodes shortly after an attack that would knock an enemy down.
Gorilla Essence.png Gorilla Essence Sprint Melee
This bottle of essence extracted from the noble gorillas will awaken your dormant gorilla genes.

Your new abilities will trigger when you fully exert yourself physically with a feral sprint. They will also set off when you shop at the grocery store... Um, one banana please!

Sprinting will give you gorilla arms that punch things near you.
Health Jar Definitive Edtition.png Health Jar: Definite Edition Health Jars Explode
Health Jar: Definite Edition features a whole new explosive ending with ray tracing disabled to accomplish framerates as high as 25! Health jars now explode when you use them.
Heavy Weight Bacteria.png Heavy Weight Bacteria Stronger Knockback
These microscopic organisms are much more cumbersome than they look. Your enemies will surely notice that your melee attacks are crawling with them. Any knockback you do will knockback more.
Jimbot.png Jimbot Remote Attacker Drone
After many years of lonesome hard work, Karkamas decided that it was time to take on the ultimate challenge... to create artificial life! The result was a small, levitating robot named Jimbot. Created to assist in experiments far too dangerous to be handled by the living. Retrofitted with wireless connectivity, control systems, and an auto-return command whenever Karkamas moves fast, Jimbot will prove itself useful wherever you are. Creates a controllable drone that uses your weapons. Using the right click will move Jimbot towards where your cursor is. If Jimbot is out of reach or the connection is obstructed by a wall for a certain amount of time, it will swiftly return to you.
Pollen Dash.png Pollen Dash Melee/Block while Sprinting to Dash
This magical technique was created by Botanika as a means of spreading pollen at a high frequency. The result also worked as a way to effortlessly dash out of the way of hungry perennials.

Occasionally a seed will sprout from the excess pollen. By dashing through the flower, it will mature and the petals fall off and target your foes.

Allows you to perform a short distance teleport in the direction you're running by pressing the slap/block button. Sometimes a flower will bloom on the field, if you start a dash right on top of it, it will burst into several petals that home into enemies.
Protectus Heart.png Protectus Heart Block Area on Hurt
The protective gem coating has completely sealed the heart of this fallen Protectus. You can feel it still beating faintly inside, slow but steady. Is it in love with you or something? Ew! Upon taking damage, creates an aura that reflects enemy projectiles for a brief duration of time.
Rat Loot.png Rat Loot Rat Infested Loot
All pots, crates, barrels and boxes now have a pungent smell of cheese. As a result they are also infested with hungry rats. All breakable props you can run through to break now spawn rats.
Spirit Insurance.png Spirit Insurance Cheat Death Once
An unbelievably precious piece of paper signed and approved by higher powers. This sacred contract grants the signatory one more chances at life. Grants you an extra chance at life your max health and up the 3 hearts when you die.
Stable Stature.png Stable Stature Decreased Recoil and Melee Launching
You feel a surge of stability run through your body. Your toes grip the ground, thighs lock in and spine clack into position. STABLE BODY ACTIVATED. Reduces the recoil from ranged and melee weapons.
Wall Spiders.png Wall Spiders Spiders on Wall Break
'Remember, with great walls comes great amounts of spiders.'

- Uncle Wall Spider

Shoots spiders out of walls when you break them.


Powerups that affect the players speed.

  • There are currently 3 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Arachnid Haste.png Arachnid Haste Faster Movement Speed
A parasite is attached to your lower back and connects to your spine or motherboard through slimy nerve tentacles. It will then sense when you are in a hurry and help you get there faster in hope of you accidently finding a parasite for your friend to start a family with. The player's movement speed is moderately increased overall.
Bottled Tomto Blood.png Bottled Tomto Blood Great Haste While in Air
The Tomtos are known for cutting through the air at great speeds while doing their acrobatic shenanigans. It's in their blood! Their blood is now YOUR blood, vacuum sealed in a bottle for extended shelf life. Massively increased acceleration while in the air.
Speedy Golden Feet.png Speedy Golden Feet Faster Sprint Speed
These are put as soles in your current boots. Very uncomfortable, very magical. The player's running speed is drastically increased.

Other Bullet Modifiers

Anything that affects bullets that don't really fit into any other category comfortably.

  • There are currently stupid powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
8x Scope High Heels.png 8x Scope High Heels Direct Bullets to Last Stomp
These heels were designed for agents going undercover to large gala dinners. Just discreetly pop them off and scope in on the current crime boss to gain valuable intel. Just make sure to keep decent foot hygiene, for your own sake. When you stomp on an enemy, all friendly bullets will change direction towards said enemy.
Banned Auto Aim.png Banned Auto Aim Auto Aim Bullets
This banned and highly frowned upon equipment was used by Marcus Hardly in the biyearly paintball tournament. After Hardly was swiftly executed for his transgressions the equipment was lost during a transport accident.

Now it finds itself in your hands. As you connect it to your weapon you can hear the faint whisper from Marcus Hardly coming from beyond... 'Hooray! I won the tournament!'

Any friendly bullets created while the auto aim is targeting an enemy will be directed towards said enemy.
Bounce Gel.png Bounce Gel Bullet Wall Bounce
Surprise your enemies with this gelatinous fluid that enable bullets to ricochet no matter which angle you shoot from. Causes your bullets to bounce off walls.
Curious Chalice.png Curious Chalice Bullet Penetration
This chalice is filled to the brim with a curious liquid. After coating your bullets in it, they appear almost pristine as they emerge through the exit wound.

The weathered engraving reveals it was originally used to discourage nail biting, just a quick dip in the chalice will render any finger unchompable for weeks.

Your bullets now penetrate through one extra enemy.
Inner Fusion.png Inner Fusion Orbiting Bullets
Doctor Fusion is happy to lend his modular supercharged organs to his friends. This device contains the heart and its special properties makes projectiles orbit around it. Causes nearly all projectiles you create to orbit around you. Orbiting projectiles will have greatly increased airtime and bounce off walls.
Linear Field.png Bullet Beam Bullets Travel Toward the Direction You Point
Karkamas found Jimbot in the workshop, he was upgrading himself to become the new master of the house. This impressed Karkamas but was also inacceptable. Karkamas' solution to this problem was several magnets aligned in a way to reliably push away Jimbot every time he tried to approach the workshop. Jimbot became enraged and used his new machine gun hardware upgrades to shoot at the magnets. The bullets turned around and destroyed all Jimbots enhancements. Karkamas walked up to the crying lil bot and said 'Thanks for pushing me to innovate, this contraption can be used against the void!'. Jimbot ran away like an angsty teen yelling 'YOU ARE THE VOID!!'. Jimbot was later corrected with a firmware update and is no longer throwing tantrums. Friendly bullets home into the direction your player character is pointing.
Termite Agreement.png Termite Agreement Bullet Wall Break
This agreement legally binds the adventurer, hereby referred to as 'The Host', to allow termites to infest their bullets.

In return, the Host agrees to aim their weapon toward walls, edible or otherwise, at least 85% of all shots fired.

Sign here: ___________

Your bullets now break walls.
Weptek Accuracy Optimizer.png Weptek Accuracy Optimizer Increased Accuracy and Slight Homing
Arms contracts are often won performing well at the test range and Weptek always came prepared with a trick up their sleeves. This is unfinished, come back later!
Weptek Projectile Accelerator.png Weptek Projectile Accelerator Faster Bullets and Longer Range
The accelerator module increases range and bullet velocity. You could in theory, with enough of them, turn an everyday pistol into a hunting rifle. Increases the range and speed of bullets you fire.


Gives melee weapons elemental effects upon dealing damage.

  • There are currently 4 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Arctic Pepper.png Arctic Pepper Melee Weapons Freeze Enemies
A enchanted freezing pepper seed is now soul bond to all close combats you wield. The cold heartedness of battle helps it grow until it whispers gently in your ear: 'Pepper crunch lunch!'. You eat it to finalize the sacred bond. As you get a brainfreeze but also feel its power surge into your weapon... you think to yourself... 'Ice magic is so cool! Again!! Again!!!' You sneeze in excitement and out comes a seed... the cycle start once again. Gives random swings of your melee weapon a freezing effect.
Charged Pepper.png Charged Pepper Melee Weapons Shock Enemies
A bewitched buzzing pepper seed is now soul bond to all close combats you wield. The tense energy of battle helps it grow until it whispers gently in your ear: 'Pepper supper pronto!' You eat it to finalize the sacred bond. As you feel its power surge into your weapon... you think to yourself... 'Electricity magic is rad! Again please! If I may?' A surge of electricity through your body causes you to throw up a pepper seed... starting the cycle once again. Gives random swings of your melee weapon an electric effect.
Moldy Pepper.png Moldy Pepper Melee Weapons Poison Enemies
A cursed moldy pepper seed is now soul bond to all close combats you wield. The rotten stench of battle helps it grow until it whispers gently in your ear: 'Eat me! I taste like a fine blue cheese!'. You eat the seed to finalize the sacred bond. As you feel its power surge into your weapon... you think to yourself... 'It did taste like a fine blue cheese! I want more!!' Your stomach growls and a hefty burp causes a pepper seed to land in your hand... starting the cycle once again. Gives random swings of your melee weapon a poison effect.
Red Pepper.png Red Pepper Melee Weapons Burn Enemies
A magical fiery pepper seed is now soul bond to all close combats you wield. The heat of battle helps it grow until it whispers gently in your ear: 'Pepper time!'. You eat it to finalize the sacred bond. As you do you feel its power surge into your weapon... you think to yourself... 'This is rad! I wanna go again! Again! Again!!' You pick your teeth and find another seed... the cycle starts once again. Gives random swings of your melee weapon a burning effect.

Ranged Weapons

Powerups that affect ranged weapons

  • There are currently 6 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Helping Hand.png Helping Hand Faster Reload
Whenever Professor Karkamas isn't busy figuring out the universe or doing crazy experiments in his tower of problems he reaches out from the fabric of reality and reloads your guns FOR you. Wow! Your gun reloads faster
Human Bandolier.png Human Bandolier Increased Max Ammo
A simple concept really. Bullets are placed in a row in a belt that you can wrap around your torso for easy access. You can even wrap it around your arm or leg if you're feeling fancy. Increases your maximum ammo with guns.
Orphan Ghost Boy.png Orphan Ghost Boy Spooked To Shoot Faster
Spooked by the ghost of a dead orphan boy, causing your heart to beat faster and adrenaline to surge into your trigger finger.

If you really need to know how the orphan died... then I suppose I cannot keep it hidden for much longer...

You see it was a fateful evening when he, the orphan, fell down a slippedy slide. Once on the slide he was not able to control his sliding acceleration, leading to many speeding tickets and a life sentence behind bars. Once behind bars he slipped down another slide right into a wall, slam!

Makes you shoot your guns faster.
Porkian Rebel Grenade.png Porkian Rebel Grenade Grenade on Reload
A grenade often used by Porkian rebels. They stray from the horde by using green colors instead of the manditory Porkian Pink. It's so edgy of them. Tosses a grenade that explodes whenever you reload a gun.
Weptek Clip Expansion Pack.png Weptek Clip Expansion Pack Bigger Clip
Weptek developed this because reloading 6 trillion times each war was not viable long term. This is unfinished, come back later!
Weptek Reload Attack Module.png Weptek Reload Attack Module Bullet Ring on Reload
Weptek wanted to reward weapon users that did the boring act of reloading by setting off fireworks when inserting the clip. Limbs were lost but they then realized that by replacing the fireworks with their famous "Friendly Bullet Tech', they could maximize limb loss for enemies as well as minimize it for the user. Shoots out a ring of bullets when you reload your gun.


Powerups with a cooldown, that act upon reloading.

  • There are currently 10 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Antivoid Rehand.png Antivoid Rehand Antivoid Attack on Reload During Battle
This magical hand spirit is waiting for its master to be locked and loaded. Creates a Antivoid hand that, when you reload in combat, will cause it to shoot towards your cursor and explodes into Antivoid lasers when it comes into contact with something. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Banana Rehand.png Banana Rehand Banana Attack on Reload During Battle
This bananafied hand spirit is waiting for its master to be locked and loaded. Creates a banana tree hand that, when you reload in combat, will cause it to shoot towards your cursor and explodes into bananas when it comes into contact with something. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Bat Rehand.png Bat Rehand Bat Attack on Reload During Battle
This batlike hand spirit is waiting for its master to be locked and loaded. Creates a batlike hand that, when you reload in combat, will cause it to shoot towards your cursor and explodes into bats when it comes into contact with something. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Frog Rehand.png Frog Rehand Frog Attack on Reload During Battle
This froging hand spirit is waiting for its master to be locked and loaded. Creates a froglike hand that, when you reload in combat, will cause it to shoot towards your cursor and explodes into frogs when it comes into contact with something. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Protectus Rehand.png Protectus Rehand Shield on Reload During Battle
This shield hand spirit is waiting for its master to be locked and loaded. Creates a Protectuslike hand that, when you reload in combat, will cause it to shoot towards your cursor and explodes into a Protectus blast when it comes into contact with something. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Rat Rehand.png Rat Rehand Rat Attack on Reload During Battle
This rat hand spirit is waiting for its master to be locked and loaded. Creates a ratlike hand that, when you reload in combat, will cause it to shoot towards your cursor and explodes into rats when it comes into contact with something. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Shotgun Rehand.png Shotgun Rehand Shotgun Attack on Reload During Battle
This shotgun hand spirit is waiting for its master to be locked and loaded. Creates a shotgun hand that, when you reload in combat, will cause it to shoot towards your cursor and explodes into a shotgun that aims and fires at an enemy when it comes into contact with something. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Soul Rehand.png Soul Rehand Soul Attack on Reload During Battle
This soul hand spirit is waiting for its master to be locked and loaded. Creates a ghostly hand that, when you reload in combat, will cause it to shoot towards your cursor and explodes into souls when it comes into contact with something. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Snake Egg Rehand.png Snake Egg Rehand Snake Egg Attack on Reload During Battle
This snake egged hand spirit is waiting for its master to be locked and loaded. Creates a snake egg hand that, when you reload in combat, will cause it to shoot towards your cursor and explodes into snakes when it comes into contact with something. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.
Void Rehand.png Void Rehand Void Attack on Reload During Battle
This corrupted hand spirit is waiting for its master to be locked and loaded. Creates a Void hand that, when you reload in combat, will cause it to shoot towards your cursor and explodes into Void projectiles when it comes into contact with something. Respawns after a moderate cooldown.


Adds a chance to fire elemental projectiles from ranged weapons.

  • There are currently 4 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Cryo Rounds.png Cryo Rounds Ice Bullets
Ice coating carefully extracted from the permafrost in the North. Gives random friendly bullets a freezing effect.
Incendiary Rounds.png Incendiary Rounds Fire Bullets
Fire coating carefully extracted from a sleeping Blooming Echino. Gives random friendly bullets a burning effect.
Poison Rounds.png Poison Rounds Poison Bullets
Poison coating carefully extracted from a sleeping Cactoid Baby. Gives random friendly bullets a poison effect.
Water Rounds.png Rain Rounds Water Bullets
Might not do much on its own, but could yield interesting results when combined with other elements.


When you're holding wet bullets, be extra cautious to make sure they don't slip away from you. They could easily make their way down a slope and fall into the hands of your adversaries. They could carefully and tightly grip the wet bullet firmly with both of their hands, giving them the potential to utilize it against you.

Gives random friendly bullets a water effect.
Volt Rounds.png Volt Rounds Electricity Bullets
Electricity coating carefully extracted from a sleeping Magmoth. Gives random friendly bullets an electric effect.


Spawns special projectiles when finishing a large combo.

  • There are currently 4 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Bat Slippers.png Bat Slippers Combo Stomp Bats
These slippers are inbued with vampiric magic. A combo stomp with these will bring forth bats. When you land on the ground they release, and hopefully bite someone's yummy neck. Spawns bats based on the size of your combo stomp.
Bone Slippers.png Bone Slippers Combo Stomp Bones
These slippers are inbued with anatomical power. A combo stomp with these will bring forth real skeleton bones. When you land on the ground they release, and hopefully bounce and split on your worst enemy. Spawns bones based on the size of your combo stomp.
Rat Slippers.png Rat Slippers Combo Stomp Rats
These slippers are inbued with forbidden sewer magic. A combo stomp with these will unshroud rats living between realities. When you land on the ground they are unleashed in our existence, confused but mostly hungry. Spawns rats based on the size of your combo stomp.
Soul Slippers.png Soul Slippers Combo Stomp Souls
These slippers are inbued with soul energy. A combo stomp with these will bring forth souls. When you land on the ground they release, and hopefully rest someone in peace. Spawns souls based on the size of your combo stomp.


Stomping on enemies afflicts them with elemental effects.

  • There are currently 5 powerups in this category
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Glacial Sole.png Glacial Sole Ice Stomp
These are attached to your boots to make them freeze people when stomping them in the head. An insane but extremely popular invention. Freezes enemies upon stomping them.
Hurricane Sole.png Hurricane Sole Wind Stomp
These are attached to your boots to make them puff out wind when stomping people in the head. A nonsensical and vaguely popular invention. Creates a strong blast of wind that knocks enemies up upon stomping them.
Pyro Sole.png Pyro Sole Fire Stomp
These are attached to your boots to make them shoot fire when stomping someone in the head. A horrible but extremely popular invention. Ignites enemies upon stomping them.
Water Sole.png Splash Sole Water Stomp
These are attached to your boots to make them squirt water when stomping someone in the head. A wet but extremely popular invention.

May not be highly effective by itself, but interesting when mixed with other elements.

Drenches enemies upon stomping them.
Thunder Sole.png Thunder Sole Electricity Stomp
These are attached to your boots to make them electrocute people when stomping them in the head. A cruel but extremely popular invention. Electrocutes enemies upon stomping them.
Toxic Sole.png Toxic Sole Poison Stomp
These are attached to your boots to make them puff out when stomping people in the head. A horrendous but extremely popular invention. Poisons enemies upon stomping them.


Spawns turrets that orbit activated Beacons which will fire upon nearby enemies.

  • There are currently 8 powerups in this category.
Icon Name Slogan Rarity Description Effect
Beacon Antivoid Turret.png Beacon Antivoid Turret Beacon Powered Antivoid Turret
Beacon powered Antivoid turret. Fighting the Void automatically, much like your aunt's robot vacuum but without getting stuck on carpets. Spawns an Antivoid turret near your beacon that periodically shoots Antivoid lasers at nearby enemies.
Beacon Electricity Turret.png Beacon Electricity Turret Beacon Powered Electricity Turret
This Beacon powered Electricity Turret will zap anything that deserves a good electrocution. Spawns an electric turret near your beacon that periodically shoots electric bullets at nearby enemies.
Beacon Emeraldon Turret.png Beacon Emeraldon Turret Beacon Powered Emeraldon Turret
Emeraldon perimeter defenses reborn through the energy of a Beacon. Turrets just like this were used in the fall of Ratak. Spawns an Emeraldon-infested turret near your beacon that periodically shoots lasers at nearby enemies.
Beacon Fire Turret.png Beacon Fire Turret Beacon Powered Fire Turret
This Beacon powered Fire Turret will ignite your enemies! ...and sometimes scorch a critter or two for funsies. Spawns a fire turret near your beacon that periodically shoots flames at nearby enemies.
Beacon Machine Gun Turret.png Beacon Machine Gun Turret Beacon Powered Machine Gun Turret
Beacon powered high end Machine Gun Turret. Spawns a turret near your beacon that periodically shoots bullets at nearby enemies.
Beacon Poison Turret.png Beacon Poison Turret Beacon Powered Poison Turret
This Beacon powered Poison Turret is very keen on poisoning nearby evil beings. A questionable approach to combatting dark forces. Spawns a poison turret near your beacon that periodically shoots poison at nearby enemies.
Beacon Rocket Turret.png Beacon Rocket Turret Beacon Powered Rocket Turret
This Beacon powered Rocket Turret will launch fun little rockets at any threat deemed scary enough. Spawns a rocket turret near your beacon that periodically shoots homing rockets at nearby enemies.
Beacon Shotgun Turret.png Beacon Shotgun Turret Beacon Powered Shotgun Turret
This Beacon powered Shotgun Turret will spread its bullets in the name of SHOTGUN JUSTICE! Spawns a shotgun turret near your beacon that periodically shoots shotgun blasts at nearby enemies.