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Drash is one of the five playable characters in Voidigo, being the only one to be unlocked by default.

Not much is known about Drash besides that she was chosen by the Antivoid to fight against the Void. The sense of duty and the hope that this will help her regain her memories is what drives her to fight against the corruption.

Starter Powerups

Antivoid Combo Strike.png

Antivoid Combo Strike

Creates an explosion of Antivoid energy where you land after performing a combo stomp, the higher the combo the stronger the blast.

Kindred Contact.png

Kindred Contact

If you are near a beacon, wings will sprout out of it and you, granting you a sizeable boost in attack speed. When you leave the beacon's aura, your wings will linger for a bit longer before disappearing, losing the attack speed boost.

Starter Weapons



Old design of Drash, notice the lack of pupils.
  • An early design of Drash depicts her as more mysterious and threatening.
  • An old lore concept for Drash was that her armor was not initially hers as she had stolen it from another faction who use said armor.
  • Drash is internally called 'drash', which is unlike the other characters being named after their traits.
  • Drash is the only playable character to not have a unique theme for the inside of their interactable. Additionally, Drash is the only character to flip their ranged weapon while dodging as she performs a flip when dodging.
  • Despite being the playable character with the least information known about them lore-wise, she still has more of a personality than Clozo.