Combat Rifle Anniversary Edition

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The Combat Rifle Anniversary Edition is a rare ranged weapon manufactured by Weptek. It is a special edition of the Combat Rifle, maintaining the same basic shape but massively larger, with proportionally even larger furniture and sights. It also has two unusual (perhaps decorative) orange protrusions on the top.

When reloading, a portion of the weapon above the grip pivots backwards and tosses the spent magazine over the user's shoulder, after which a new magazine is inserted.

It fires a single explosive Weptek bullet per shot in full-auto with good damage and high range, accuracy, and velocity that can destroy terrain and stun enemies.


  • Functions identically to the Combat Rifle except that it has generally better stats, fires more slowly, and has explosive bullets that can destroy terrain. It also has slightly less ammo (2 magazines worth) but makes up for this with its improved damage.
  • Its improvements have pushed it from a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none like the Combat Rifle into a powerhouse weapon that excels in nearly every situation.
  • Because its explosive rounds can stun basic enemies and it comes with so many of them, the player can fire single shots at enemies to stun them from long range before following up with gun bashes, stomps, and/or the player's other weapon with relative safety.
