Combat Rifle

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The Combat Rifle is a uncommon ranged weapon manufactured by Weptek. It is fairly conventional-looking assault rifle with no stock and the blued finish and orange furniture typical of a Weptek weapon.

When reloading, a portion of the weapon above the grip pivots backwards and tosses the spent magazine over the user's shoulder, after which a new magazine is inserted.

It fires a single Weptek bullet per shot in full-auto with average damage and accuracy and good range and velocity.


  • Is probably the most normal and well-rounded firearm in the game. It has average damage, decent clip size and ammo count, a fast reload time, and decent range and accuracy, making well-suited to any situation but exceptional in no situation.


  • The weapon's former designation, CR-14, is probably a reference to the real-life AR-15 assault rifle pattern, though the Combat Rifle does not resemble one.