Celestial Mass

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Inner Fusion is a rare powerup. It is Doctor Fusion's unlockable starter powerup.


  • Causes enemies, bosses, pickups, weapons and breakable props within the range of the pull to be attracted to you.


Level Upgrade Rarity Price Effects
Level1.png N/A N/A
  • No Effects
Level2.png Rarity1.png 10Shard.png
  • 20% Stronger Pull and 20% Longer Pull Radius
Level3.png Rarity1.png 10Shard.png
  • 40% Stronger Pull and 40% Longer Pull Radius
Level4.png Rarity2.png 15Shard.png
  • 60% Stronger Pull and 60% Longer Pull Radius
Level7.png Rarity2.png 15Shard.png
  • 80% Stronger Pull and 80% Longer Pull Radius


  • Celestial Mass synergizes excellently with short ranged weapons like Homerun or Pap Pap as the pull will close the gap more efficiently.
  • Combo stomp items such as Antivoid Combo Strike and the slipper powerups also synergize excellently as it piles up all the enemies for you to rack up an easy combo.
