Weptek Smart Bullet Lotion

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Weptek Smart Bullet Lotion is an ultra rare powerup.


  • Gives homing to all friendly bullets.


Level Upgrade Rarity Price Effects
Level1.png N/A N/A
  • No Effects
Level2.png Rarity4.png 25Shard.png
  • 50% Stronger Homing
Level3.png Rarity4.png 25Shard.png
  • 100% Stronger Homing
Level4.png Rarity4.png 25Shard.png
  • 150% Stronger Homing
Level7.png Rarity4.png 25Shard.png
  • 200% Stronger Homing



  • This is quite possibly the most expensive powerup in the game, being an ultra rare with 4 ultra rare upgrades, it could cost you 135 shards just to fully upgrade it.