Rupert Grimsby

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Rupert Grimsby is the narrator in Voidigo. He speaks any time the player enters a world, usually making reference to specific enemies, bosses, or features unique to the world the player is in.

Voice Lines


Ah... do you smell it? It's...


Like a plate of salmon, left out in the sun

The cradle of life itself, all dried-up

Leaving the children to play in its

withering remains

Possessed by possessing gold

The same worth as everything

Make-believe is enough

for the self-proclaimed sentient

This home died slowly enough for its inhabitants to adapt

A massive loss... a passive loss

Dry... no tears

An ocean evaporating is a death slow enough for no one to mourn

and here we are

in the dried-up carcass

The Imperiant musicians have a short lifespan

often only getting to do one first

and final fanfare

The Shramplings worship muscular warriors from the past

Statues depict a bodymass impossible to obtain

now that their ocean is gone

The Formless cling to gold to stay intact

much like other lifeforms

cling to water

Some look all their lives for a gold nugget

Here they are thrown at you and it's certainly not

a dream come true

The Beach Stray. Clam-like creatures. Simple lives

blowing bubbles, licking the ground.

Peaceful. Better than most of us

The bubble grows, the bubble pops

The Beach Stray is happy with that accomplishment

A very capable queen. Under your feet

she's not buried

Her kingdom is

Shramplings and Imperiants constantly at war

until the Puppeteer took over

She made you their common enemy

Porko Land

A barren wasteland full of bleached hogs scorching in the sun

yet somehow... the flowers bloom

One of the few places where the blossoms are busier than the bees
This place fills you with an acquainted feeling. An urge to look into the sun for too long

You should not, you will hurt yourself

But yet you venture on... into the unknown

Blissful bugs thrive here. Everyone looks down on them

squashes them. They will never be as satisfied as a beetle

rolling a ball of dirt

A kingdom once ruled this land

They harvested Emeraldons for their mighty magic

The power... went to their heads

Porkos. Vile creatures, scavengers. No respect for life

no respect for themselves

All that matters is their precious mud baths

The Sporeborn lie in wait

They only emerge if you are the perfect vessel

for their next generation of fungi

Small sheds built by the Porkos can be found scattered throughout this region

'Thinking Sheds' they call them. If a Porko stray from the horde

they are locked in... until they shed their thinking

Echinos are the apex predators in this domain


Until you arrived that is

Maggot blubber vibrating. Building up

static electricity. You will be shocked

and disgusted

Aggressive herbs

destructive herds

protective birds

Ahh... the kingdom of the blue birds
The burrowing beetles often find obnoxious

treasures tainting their

dearest dirt

Eggs will be stepped on

Birds will be angry

The two absolutes in Porko Land

The land where the maggots are the final form of the metamorphosis
Pop off an emerald from its pile of bones

and it will surely find a new home

Or shatter trying

Here, skeletal remains are considered free real-estate

The North

The Tomtos grow up with their Pinecrow mounts

a mutual trust is gained through familiarity

Knock down a Nordunn

and expect icy axes

hurling at your face

A farming vehicle's final croak is a deafening blast

at least the wheels are structurally sound

Their Prophecy has consumed the Ugglurs very essence

Once hatched

what is left of them will become a small birthday treat

A sad and lonely pony

Do not be fooled by those big friendly eyes

they hide issues beyond our imagination

The Nordunn Elder

Sufficiently experienced to control the runes

but not wise enough

to realize their unpredictability

Oh Pony... my old friend

you need to move on

A wise old face

A warm smile draws you closer in such a grim cold

And so... it all turns upside down

The Pinecrows beak will penetrate the frozen tundra

A painful task

for a lousy snack

The bitter cold is what makes a warm cup of coco so much sweeter

This place is all out of coco

Songs and stories around cozy campfires

slowly transitioned into chants and rituals

around the idea of a prophecy

The Ugglur owls came here to peacefully experience the wild

Oh but they found something far wilder

The midsummer solstice will last forever

Once the Ugglur prophecy is fulfilled

The Nordunn magic requires three key elements

Fallen warriors

runes of worship


the insufferable



The Nordunn live here

Ruthless raiders with a knack for stonework

Wolves howling

strange birds hovering

and the sound of hooves clacking

Oh how the north hums

A large twisted creature resides here

Prepare yourself

You might have to... face it

The runes tell tales of great bravery. And cooking recipes

Roasted Tomtos?


Sounds magically delicious

Distant hoots of terror

The Nordunn rarely venture into the forest


The Void

Ah the calm before the


The eye of the storm


has avoided you so far

The ground acts as a membrane in keeping you out and her in

keeping you in...

And her out

You feel repelled and attracted to this place

Everything... Nothing


Opposite forces attract. Squeezing everything between them until


The breaking point

The smell is disgustingly familiar

Amazingly safe

and equally horrifying

She welcomes you

Being here would be impossible if she did not

The end again

Dissolving itself

The ??? again

You are the only one

she does not want to control

You... surprise her

It is all out of balance. The Puppeteer is

trying to control it all

You are not fond of her approach

Here to dance again

You two are having too much fun

This will never end

The ground seperates you and the Puppeteer

A thin film, impenetrable

Some rules can't be broken...

Hmmm. The other side of it all

Still the very same thing just, flipped

Seemingly alien to those unflipped

The void is an impossible concept made possible

by the impossibility of everything forced to contain

it all. Including the lack of everything

We are all echoes of your complicated relationship

The nervous system of

it all...

You equally repel and attract each other and so we spin

Vibrate. Intertwine and


If the void was truly nothing then nothing would be everything that exists

Everything and nothing would be the same yet. Opposites

And so it is. And so it spins

And so it vibrates

all in a beautiful manner...

Ahhh. The void. Trying to be nothing

becoming a concept. And so it exists

you validate each other

Start of Run

It begins. Again, and again

This time maybe?

Hope motivates those stuck in the loop

It is reset, yet somehow different

you escaped the loop

only to pop back in

The Puppeteer cannot access your strings

you are the impossible

you are free

This time. It is always this time

this time will always be, however

this time might really be the time


time to meet up with everyone that wants you dead

Maybe this time

fifty times your weight

are eager to crush you today

She is watching you

amazed that you're not her puppet

She knows you're here...
Something happened when you came along

everything is under her control

it all wants you gone

You move in patterns she cannot predict

your defiance spark her curiosity

your contagious freedom ignites her rage