Blossom Bud

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Blossom Bud is a rare powerup. It is Botanika's unlockable starter powerup.


  • Spawns a Blossom Bud companion that fires flower seed projectiles towards enemies that burst into homing petals after a short period of time.


Level Upgrade Rarity Price Effects
Level1.png N/A N/A
  • No Effects
Level2.png Rarity3.png 20Shard.png
  • +50% Fire Rate
  • +20% Health
Level3.png Rarity3.png 20Shard.png
  • +100% Fire Rate
  • +40% Health
Level4.png Rarity3.png 20Shard.png
  • +150% Fire Rate
  • +60% Health
Level7.png Rarity4.png 25Shard.png
  • +200% Fire Rate
  • +80% Health
  • Grows flowers beneath Blossom Bud when they are firing, the grown explode into 8 homing petals after a short period of time


  • Blossom Bud can be healed with water, which is created from weapons like Flowering Can and from other sources such as Shrampling projectiles or geysers. You can use this to maintain Blossom Bud so they can keep on fighting for longer.



  • Blossom Bud is voiced by a cockatoo.